Green Smoothie With Protein Powder

Green Smoothie With Protein Powder

This green smoothie with protein powder is healthy and dairy-free. Perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.

Ingredients What you’ll need to make this recipe. – Unsweetened almond milk – Vanilla protein powder – Banana – Baby spinach

Why you’ll love this recipe – Healthy, with no added sugar – Made in only a few minutes – Great for kids – Great way to sneak in vegetables

Instructions 1. Add almond milk, protein powder, banana chunks and spinach into blender.

2. Blend for a full minute, or until the spinach is broken down and the smoothie is smooth with no banana or spinach chunks.

After blending you’ll have a beautiful green smoothie. The spinach makes your smoothie green, but it won’t taste like spinach. This is a great way to get fresh veggies into your diet.

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Swipe up now to get this deliciously easy recipe!